Top 15 best tech jobs with high satisfaction salaries

It may be time to re-evaluate your career situation. Techies are in high demand, and companies are offering some great incentives to lure talent (that’s you!). Before you determine whether last year’s swimsuit still fits, make sure your job still does. If your old job is feeling a little tight and uncomfortable, refresh your résumé and go…

Skype, check out the new video call feature

Thanks to the rise of WhatsApp  and other free calling and messaging apps, Skype is no longer the go-to service it once was for many people. But the company just added a new feature which might raise its appeal among users. The Microsoft-owned service’s latest addition is a screen-blurring feature designed to obscure your messy room or any other…

Hackers way of tricking vein authentication security

Vein authentication, a biometric security method that scans the veins in your hand, has been cracked, reports Motherboard. Using a fake hand made out of wax, Jan Krissler and Julian Albrecht demonstrated how they were able to bypass scanners made by both Hitachi and Fujitsu, which they claim covers around 95 percent of the vein…

MIT researchers becomes 3D printing glass

While the thought of a machine that can squirt out endless ropes of molten glass is a bit frightening, the folks at MIT have just about perfected the process. In a paper published in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, researchers Chikara Inamura, Michael Stern, Daniel Lizardo, Peter Houk, and Neri Oxman describe a system for…

Samsung is allegedly planning on a second Bixby speaker, Black

Samsung promised a Bixby-powered Galaxy Home smart speaker back in August, a premium device that could potentially compete against Apple’s HomePod and the Amazon Echo Plus. While that speaker still isn’t available and doesn’t have a set release date, the company is reportedly also planning a second Bixby speaker that comes in black and according…

Learn how to change the voice on your Google Home

Google Home ($89 at Walmart) speakers come with a default voice that’s pleasant, but still a bit robotic. Luckily, you don’t have to settle for it. You now have 10 voices to pick from, including one with a British accent and another with an Australian intonation. Here’s how to change the voice for your Google…

This Wristband sounds opiate overdose alarm

A project by students at Carnegie Mellon could save lives. Called the HopeBand, the wristband senses low blood oxygen levels and sends a text message and sounds an alarm if danger is imminent. “Imagine having a friend who is always watching for signs of overdose; someone who understands your usage pattern and knows when to contact…

Movies And TV Of 2018, The biggest letdowns

What were the biggest letdowns of the year? 2018 was a fantastic year for movies and TV. This is the year that gave us Infinity War, Black Panther, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and that’s just looking at some of the good Marvel movies released this year. On the TV side, we got The Haunting…

The Gadgets of 2018, The Best and Nightmare.

A lot of gadget were released this 2018 and the year is about to come an end. So, we made up this post. Some where great! Like the Oculus Go. Or the Google Home Hub. But some were junk, like the revived Palm or PlayStation Classic. CES 2019 is a few weeks away, where manufacturers…

AR startup Blippar collapses, Despite the more than $130M funding.

While proponents swore 2018 would be the year AR moved mainstream, by year’s end it seems the biggest trend has been the movement of early startups to financial collapse. Blippar,  an early augmented reality app that raised more than $130 million in venture funding from investors like Qualcomm and Candy Ventures, announced today that it is…